High Stakes Facilitation
Business Strategy
- Conduct interviews with key stakeholders to identify assumptions, raise ideas, and determine key strategic issues and areas of agreement and disagreement
- Hold strategic conversations to frame strategy formulation about such topics as environmental trends, scenarios, critical industry success factors, competitive analysis, core competencies, organizational culture, disruptive innovation, market analysis and growth planning, and strategy evaluation
- Identify three to five strategic objectives with measures, targets, key activities, and accountabilities for each
Diversity Strategy
- Interview key stakeholders and conduct focus groups to determine the current state of diversity, key understandings and disagreements, and barriers to and facilitators of success
- Identify three to five strategic objectives with measures, targets, key activities, and accountabilities for each
Building Agreements
- Where disagreement or opportunity exists, build solid agreements on critical issues between departments, functions, and organizations and among team members
- Create a pathway to action for implementing agreements that eliminates disagreements or takes advantage of opportunities
- In the tradition of General Electric, which developed the workout method, Lead Diversity facilitates workouts, confirming executive sponsors, identifying critical issues and desired outcomes, building the agenda, chartering the workout team, facilitating the workout process, bringing just-in-time problem-solving and decision-making tools, capturing decisions, guiding the report out, and expediting implementation